Sunday 28 November 2010

One week in the life of a lay minister in formation

One week in the life of a lay minister in formation.

My academic training to be a licensed lay minister was completed last week with the sending of my 11th portfolio. I've obviously breathed a sigh of relief but also felt energised to really start exploring where my ministry is taking me and how it will look day to day.  I will be licensed next November and so have a full year of formation in the parish, the course on funeral ministry and a placement somewhere very different (as yet to be arranged).

The first stage of this formational year has been the establishment of my ministerial support group.  We will meet termly to openly discuss my ministry, my life, my work-life balance and more.  On this group are Mike, vicar, Llm advisor (chair) and 2 church members who understand my home life, calling and parish.  I am a mix if excited and nervous about this group, but need think no more about it until we meet first in January.

I have decided I need to better understand what I actually do in a "normal" week, seems a good place to start if I'm going to understand where I'm going.  And why not blog this?  So starting tomorrow I will blog my days activities.  It will no doubt be interesting for me, and it might be intriguing for others.  We will see.

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