Tuesday 3 May 2011

AV Vote

Following in my series of poems, here's another; this time it's on the subject of the AV referendum.

Time to vote
to place your mark
yes or no
the choice is stark;
keep as is
or make it new
most don't know
or care, do you?

I used to care
back in my youth
used to campaign
to change the booth;
but now it's here
it seems too late
am I cynical
or taking the bait?

So yes I voted
made my choice
read the options
And voiced my voice;
I long for change
a fairer way
but who knows if
it'll turn out that way

All that matters
to me now
is that you read
and find out how;
you will vote
on this decision
have your say
bring the future you envision.

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