Sunday 20 May 2012

JAC - A small charity a day in May - Day Nineteen.

Welcome to day nineteen in Week Three - Caring and Sharing where I highlight those small charities that care for those in need and share their skills.

For an introduction to the entire series please visit

Just Around the Corner (JAC) Ltd is a Woodley based charity which was set up in 1998 to give hope to young people in the community, enabling them to make positive choices, by demonstrating love and acceptance according to Christian principles.

They provide a first point of contact to the youth living within the Berkshire area to raise the awareness of alcohol, drug, substance misuse and general wellbeing and to challenge their social attitudes based on Christian values and ethics.

Although they employ six members of staff, their work would not be possible without their faithful volunteers who commit anything from 3 to 35 hours a week.

For more information please visit their website

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