
Sunday 27 May 2012

Pentecost crafts

Today at church we had loads of fun celebrating Pentecost with the children.

As everyone arrived they made themselves flame hats.

We then shared the story of Pentecost before making a huge tissue paper "stained glass" window of the dove in the flames.

We went out in the garden and played parachute games, talking about how the Holy Spirit saves us from our wrong decisions and mistakes. We also prayed whilst waving the parachute - asking for the Holy Spirit to help us in the week ahead.

Lastly we rushed into church, like a rushing wind, and ran around waving flags and having lots of fun. The song "oh happy day" was playing and all the adults clapped and joined in the fun. Amazing!

Days like this are when the family of St Nicolas comes together at it's best, with everyone experiencing what they need and celebrating the love of God together.


  1. Love it! Will be doing it with my grade 7's for Confirmation. Do you have a template for this project?
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Do you have a template for any of these elements of the project?


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