Friday 26 February 2016

Blindness Blessings #poetry #micropoetry #diets #beauty #advertising

Blessings everywhere
You just have to look for them
Even when blind

Adverts can annoy 
Especially diet ones
Sucking us in

Size 16 is not
Really overweight
Get perspective

And fashion ads
Weird definitions
Of beauty

It's a devils dance
Selling the impossible
For majority

But now I'm blind
They can't touch me the same
Self esteem increase

Yes, that's right
I feel better about me
Now I can't see

I am celebrating the #TreasuredMoments in life
and would love you to link up your posts about times you don't ever want to forget each week.

Linked up at:


Kerry-Ann F said...

Great poem! It's a great reminder that we shouldn't define ourselves by the unrealistic standards set by others but to just love ourselves as we are. #fabfridaypost

Mrs Tubbs said...

Lovely poem. Accepting ourselves as we really are, and doing the same for others, is really important. :)

Sarah Stockley said...

Love this! Thanks for linking up your #FabFridayPost

Clairejustine oxox said...

Lovely poem,, thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

Ethan.n.Evelyn said...

Great poem! There are so much white noise in our modern society. This poem is a great reminder that we should be ourselves and happy in our own skin and not be influenced from other. Thank you so much for linking up with #fabFridayPost

A Cornish Mum Blog said...

Lovely poem very true and heartfelt. Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

Stevie x